Source code for cfg4py.command_line

import logging
import os
import sys
from typing import Optional

import fire
from cfg4py import enable_logging, envar, init
from ruamel.yaml import YAML


[docs]class Command: def __init__(self): self.resource_path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/") ) self.yaml = YAML(typ="safe") # default, if not specfied, is 'rt' (round-trip) self.yaml.default_flow_style = False with open( os.path.join(self.resource_path, "template.yaml"), "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as f: self.templates = self.yaml.load(f) self.transformed = self._transform()
[docs] def build(self, config_dir: str): """Compile configuration files into a python class file, which is used by IDE's auto-complete function Args: config_dir: The folder where your configuration files located Returns: """ if not os.path.exists(config_dir): print(f"path {config_dir} not exists") sys.exit(-1) count = 0 for f in os.listdir(config_dir): if ( f.startswith("default") or f.startswith("dev") or f.startswith("test") or f.startswith("production") ): print(f"found {f}") count += 1 if count > 0: print(f"{count} files found in total") else: print("the folder contains no valid configuration files") sys.exit(-1) try: init(config_dir) sys.path.insert(0, config_dir) from schema import Config # type: ignore # noqa output_file = f"{os.path.join(config_dir, 'schema')}" msg = f"Config file is built with success and saved at {output_file}" print(msg) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logging.exception(e) print("Config file built failure.")
def _choose_dest_dir(self, dst): if dst is None: dst = input("Where should I save configuration files?\n") if os.path.exists(dst): for f in os.listdir(dst): msg = f"The folder already contains {f}, please choose clean one." if f in ["defaults.yaml", "dev.yaml", "test.yaml", "production.yaml"]: print(msg) return None return dst else: create = input("Path not exists, create('Q' to exit)? [Y/n]") if create.upper() == "Y": os.makedirs(dst, exist_ok=True) return dst elif create.upper() == "Q": sys.exit(-1) else: return None
[docs] def scaffold(self, dst: Optional[str]): """Creates initial configuration files based on our choices. Args: dst: Returns: """ print("Creating a configuration boilerplate:") dst = self._choose_dest_dir(dst) while dst is None: dst = self._choose_dest_dir(dst) yaml = YAML(typ="safe") # default, if not specfied, is 'rt' (round-trip) with open( os.path.join(self.resource_path, "template.yaml"), "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as f: templates = yaml.load(f) print("Which flavors do you want?") print("-" * 20) prompt = """ 0 - console + rotating file logging 10 - redis/redis-py (gh://andymccurdy/redis-py) 11 - redis/aioredis (gh://aio-libs/aioredis) 20 - mysql/PyMySQL (gh://PyMySQL/PyMySQL) 30 - postgres/asyncpg (gh://MagicStack/asyncpg) 31 - postgres/psycopg2 (gh://psycopg/psycopg2) 40 - mq/pika (gh://pika/pika) 50 - mongodb/pymongo (gh://mongodb/mongo-python-driver) """ print(prompt) chooses = input( "Please choose flavors by index, separated each by a comma(,):\n" ) flavors = {} mapping = { "0": "logging", "1": "redis", "2": "mysql", "3": "postgres", "4": "mq", "5": "mongodb", } for index in chooses.strip(" ").split(","): if index == "0": flavors["logging"] = templates["logging"] continue try: major = mapping[index[0]] minor = int(index[1]) flavors[major] = list(templates[major][minor].values())[0] except (ValueError, KeyError): print(f"Wrong index {index}, skipped.") continue with open(os.path.join(dst, "defaults.yaml"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.writelines( "#auto generated by Cfg4Py:\n" ) yaml.dump(flavors, f) print(f"Cfg4Py has generated the following files under {dst}:") print("defaults.yaml") for name in ["dev.yaml", "test.yaml", "production.yaml"]: with open(os.path.join(dst, name), "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.writelines( "#auto generated by Cfg4Py:\n" ) print(name) with open(os.path.join(dst, "defaults.yaml"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: print("Content in defaults.yaml") for line in f.readlines(): print(line.replace("\n", ""))
def _show_supported_config(self): print("Support the following configurations:") for key in self.templates.keys(): item = self.templates.get(key) if isinstance(item, dict): print(f" {key}") elif isinstance(item, list): sub_keys = [] for sub_item in item: sub_keys.append(f"{key}/{list(sub_item.keys())[0]}") print(f" {key}: {', '.join(sub_keys)}") def _transform(self): transformed = {} for key in self.templates: if isinstance(self.templates[key], dict): transformed[key] = self.templates[key] elif isinstance(self.templates[key], list): for item in self.templates[key]: item_key = list(item.keys())[0] transformed[f"{key}/{item_key}"] = item return transformed
[docs] def hint(self, what: str = None, usage: bool = False): """show a cheat sheet for configurations. for example: cfg4py hint mysql this will print how to configure PyMySQL :param what :param usage """ if what is None or ( (what not in self.templates) and what not in self.transformed ): return self._show_supported_config() usage_key = f"{what}_usage" if usage_key in self.templates and usage: print("Usage:", self.templates.get(usage_key)) if what in self.templates: self.yaml.dump(self.templates[what], sys.stdout) if usage_key in self.transformed and usage: print("Usage:", self.transformed.get(usage_key)) if what in self.transformed: self.yaml.dump(self.transformed[what], sys.stdout)
[docs] def set_server_role(self): print("please add the following line into your .bashrc:\n") print(f"export {envar}=DEV\n") msg = "You need to change DEV to TEST | PRODUCTION according to its actual role\ accordingly" print(msg)
[docs]def main(): cmd = Command() # pragma: no cover fire.Fire( { # pragma: no cover "build":, "scaffold": cmd.scaffold, "hint": cmd.hint, "set_server_role": cmd.set_server_role, } )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()